Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Ok, epiphany might be too big of a title for this.  I have been mulling "this" over for days.... so it wasn't a sudden idea as the word epiphany seems to imply.  It's just that the idea, the thought, made a clicking sound in my mind about mid-breakfast this morning.  It clicked into a solid place.  And the thought was...."I am keeping these kittens."

There is no way to make a long story short here.  A short story wouldn't do any justice to the deep rooted emotional, psychological, and devotional ties that are involved in such a seemingly simple decision.  I'd have to write a book in order to cover the intrinsic truth about this so called I think it's best if I just leave the details out.  For now.  But I do have to say this... (because it's the inspiration behind the desire to sit down and document a piece of my life today)...... my fiance, Mr. S. Smith.... he is a very sweet and sensitive man.  He is incredibly amazing and supportive and compromising.  Always. 

And now for one of our many inside jokes:

Oove you Oover.....

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