Saturday, September 3, 2011

photo challenge

My friend Nicole posted a photo challenge on her blog roughly 2 weeks ago.  The challenge is to take and post 30 photos in 40 days.  I thought it was not only a great idea, but a nudge in the right direction as well.  See, I want to learn photography....I do.  I've wanted to for years.  So I officially accept the challenge.  Now what?  Ready, set, go!  Hmmmmm.... this is not going to be easy.  Here is the list of the 30 subjects to be photographed:

1. A pet
2. In motion
3. An instrument
4. A flower
5. The sky
6. A baby (or child)
7. Water
8. Wide angle
9. Silhouette
10. Reflections
11. Scenery at Night
12. Something green
13. Your favorite object
14. Nature
15. Emotion
16. A body part
17. Architecture
18. Shallow depth of field
19. A sunset or sunrise
20. Self portrait
21. Using natural light
22. Using artificial light
23. An object used daily
24. A flame
25. Looking up
26. Looking down
27. Candid
28. Macro
29. Landscape
30. Something old

Here's what could have been my first entry...except that "Ringo" is a he's not technically anyone's pet.  Also... I took this picture before I officially started the challenge, so it doesn't count.  But I want to post this as my first picture because I adore this this little guy! 

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